About Compliance Checker API

In addition to the web frontend, there is a queryable API frontend that you can use to perform validation.

It returns a JSON response that is identical to the data that's used to generate the HTML templates. PDF and HTML responses are also available.

POST (for local file uploads) requests can be used.

Query Construction

POST query (for local file)

Parameter Details Possible Values
ACDD 'ACDD-version' tag must also be present. must be set to 'on'
ACDD-version ACDD tag must also be present. 1.1, 1.3
CF must be set to 'on'
CF-version CF tag must also be present. 1.6, 1.7
GDS2 'GDS2-parameter' tag must also be present "must be set to 'on'
GDS2-parameter 'GDS2' tag must also be present L2P, L3, L4
file-upload a valid netCDF file; maximum 5.00 GB location of file
response Specify html, json, or pdf result output. html, json, pdf -- default is json.

POST Examples

Note that you need to append an '@' to the beginning of the filename in the CURL request.

curl -L -F ACDD=on -F ACDD-version=1.3 -F file-upload=@granule.nc -F response=json https://mcc.podaac.earthdatacloud.nasa.gov/check
curl -L -F GDS2=on -F GDS2-parameter=L4 -F file-upload=@/home/user/granule.nc -F response=pdf https://mcc.podaac.earthdatacloud.nasa.gov/check